Singapore Nirvana one stop funeral package offers worship services, prayer services, paying respect to the spirits of the deceased. This means families who wish to perform special services for their loved ones get the opportunity to do so and are even provided with amenities, such as praying halls so they can hold their ceremonies or services privately.
Our funeral services packages are tailored according to our customers’ respective cultural and religious practices. We offer our funeral services packages both on an as-need and a pre-need basis. As-need services and products are sold to customers who, at the time, have immediate need for the services and products for deceased loved ones. Pre-need services and products are sold to customers who wish to pre-arrange their own or their loved ones’ funeral services. The funeral services cater to the Buddhists, Taoists, Christians, Catholic and Free Thinker.
The Columbarium also offers follow-up services (after funeral services) for families who wish to make offerings, prayers, and other services to departed loved ones during special occasions such as anniversaries, Chinese New Year, Vesak Day, and other special dates and occasions.